Friday, August 8, 2014

Jasmine - Prompt One: The Favorite

Lillian was a boss.  She helped humans who had been smuggled survive in the wild arena we call the land of the free, America.  I admire and respect Lillian as a robust character with a heart of gold and a spine of steel.  She battled the evils that the fates sometimes deal to those who have committed evils to others in past lives.  Lillian was like a Betty White, who out of the goodness of her heart and shrouded in a cloud of kickass strength, mystery, and darkness, aided the alienated humans of America who were stricken by the fates.  While describing her heroine in the novel, Jasmine once says, “[Lillian] represented to me the best in the American experience and the American character.  She went to jail for refusing to name her contacts or disclose the names and addresses of the so-called army of illegal aliens she helped ‘dump’ on the welfare roles of America.” (chapter 19, page 137)  I appreciate the courage and bravery of Lillian and her daring quality of forceful character that set her apart from the rest of the individuals in the novel.  Lillian clearly lived a life of performing service to others.  She embodied the quote on the bottom of the Statue of Liberty – “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”  Lillian was a slice of true Americana, which is why she is my favorite character.  

                   - J. A. Kind

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