Friday, February 20, 2015

To Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians Alike

Yes, I love animals.  No, that does not mean I will make love to them. 

Consuming food breeds joy.  No seriously, few things more importantly won4derful (it’s a trend – literal translation: for in the wonder) than the consumption of food exist in this universe.  The pure orgasmic feeling of shoving pounds (or kilos – I don’t judge) of unadulterated, fatty food into the pie hole simply outweighs all other troubles and won4ders in life.

However, for me, in the past year and a half, this exhilarating feeling of ingestion has been littered with pricks and pines of judgmental questioning. 

I am a vegetarian – there, I said it.  However, as many times as I step out of my stereotypically veggie and fruit filled closet, humans seem to continuously bombard me with questions about my eating habits – or as I like to call them, my consumptiality. 

Unlike my sexuality, I decided the boundaries of my consumptiality.  Nevertheless, these decisions ooze of a personal, conscious stench.  A stench that I would have rather kept to myself, however unlike the unadulterated, fatty food that I shove into the growing abyss that is my pie hole, I cannot stuff my scented consumptiality into my bodily oblivion.  Instead I must shroud myself in the odor and engage in horrid interaction and conversation about the stink when other humans lean into my scented, consuming, gravitational pull. 

Once other humanoid life forms do fall in proximity, their immediate, oh-so-basic question blurts out from their mouths in a ratty, high pitched squeal.  “Why did you decide to not eat meat anymore?” Oh, the average manner in which they ask; they find it affirming yet I despise its ignorant disrespectfulness.  However, for me, the question does not reek of offensiveness as much as the fashion by which it was pondered and subsequently asked. 

THE BASICNESS – IT PAINFULLY KILLS A PART OF MY SOUL. (which if you think about it is even more offensive than any other action because one of the reasons I am not eating meat is because I don’t want to kill anything with a bunch of nerves, and the practice of not eating animals is the closest lifestyle I can live while attempting to reach this unobtainable ideal; but, then you go ahead and painfully kill part of me thus adding to my contribution to the tangible pain in this universe and that just isn’t nice)  Simply put, it hurts. 

People, please, please splatter and soak your questioning in simple, appropriate creativity.  Ask, in a non-squealing voice, “So, does meat give you the shits?”  That’s funny – I would actually laugh.  But don’t go overboard. 

I have actually had people smugly come up to me and crappily proclaim, “So, do you not eat animals because you have like a weird thing for them – you know, bestiality is wrong…” 


Wait, yeah, I stopped eating animals because I felt bad about digesting the egg-provider of the dove I was going to make love to that night.  I simply could not stroke her talons (so what, I can have a talon fetish – JOKING, Jesus, people, take a joke) while picturing the juicy tenderness of her mother’s wings.  It was too much, so instead I just told my dovey (get it) that I wasn’t in the mood because I had seen a dove killed earlier in the morning.  When she fell asleep, I wrote a poem about my angst and the first-world problems that arose from my engagement in both bestiality and vegetarianism.  That very limerick styled poem goes as follows:

I really want to find some love.
So I must get a messenger dove,
To send this here letter,
That’ll be read to get her,
Kidding – come bird, I speak of.

Oh to be a vegetarian. 

           - J. A. Kind 

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