Friday, October 23, 2015

Frannerd Is Back


When I first saw this piece on Frannerd’s blog, I stopped.  I was amazed by the vibrancy of the pastel colors and the simple elegance that the piece depicted.  However, after a few minutes of looking further at what the piece evoked for me, I found the deeper meaning for as to why the piece had initially caught my attention: the perspective of the piece was extremely calculated and precise.  Within Frannerd’s piece there are slight overlays among subjects which in turn create an interconnectedness within the piece.  This interconnectedness then, plays into the overall story within the piece, for it shows unity among characters.  This also adds to the plot of the overall storyline within the work.  


I found this use of perspective extremely useful when I analyzed Frannerd’s work, so I decided to use the concept in my own piece.  In “Woman in a Blue Dress,” I too tried to use perspective in order to create unity within my piece and the story of my piece.  I did this by creating an angled scene in which almost the conversation of the piece follows the viewers eye movement.  By manipulating the perspective of my piece I was able to create a story that begins with the umbrella and woman in a blue dress and eventually winds down the angled plane until it concludes with the conversation between the two figures in the back.  Overall, I think perspective really did aid me in my story telling abilities and I am very thankful for Frannerd and her work for introducing me to the topic.

       - J. A. Kind

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