Saturday, April 11, 2015

Art Exhibition: 11 - Adventuring

The Non-Verbal Storybook of a Boy and His Dog

J. A. Kind "Meeting" April 2015
Watercolor and Pen
I named the first piece in the story line “Meeting” because many times great journeys, such as the one that will be featured in the story, begin with an assembly of journeymen (obviously there can be journeywomen as well.)  “Meeting” also has a simple ring when it is said, and I think that that quick sound mimics the modest style of the substance of the drawing.  The name, like the piece itself, implies complexity and background, yet it itself is short and sweet.  I wanted to evoke this short, sweet, and almost childlike nature of art that Frannerd depicts so beautifully in her own work.  

J. A. Kind "Wilding" April 2015
Watercolor and Pen
Additionally, through the pieces as a collection, I want to practice my style of depicting the human form, strengthen my variations of portrait drawings, and poke satirical fun at the hipster things in life.  For instance, in “Meeting” the two main characters, Gerard and I, are chilling and chatting in an indie, hip coffee shop/tea den.  So many people of my generation think that coffee shops and tea dens are the two most amazing, spectacular, urbanized constructs on the face of the earth.  And yes they can be, but they are merely places that aesthetically please the eye.  However, when my generation goes to these places and take pictures, they think that they too are aesthetically pleasing and cooler than the rest.  Thus, through this story, I want to deconstruct this generational stereotype and show that someone of this generation can simply live life with his dog, without trying to impress others.  He and his best friend can go to a coffee shop/tea den and simply get a drink.  The simplicity of the drawings express this idea whilst creating imaginative adventures and subconsciously giving the viewers a reality check. 

       - J. A. Kind 

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